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9:00 am | Sunday School

10:30 am | Worship Service

We are located directly off of Route 1
in Waldoboro, ME (map)
(just north of Moody's Diner)


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Featured Mission Project

Ohlin, Paul and Diane

Senegal & Republic of Congo

United World Mission

Senegal: In the effort to make disciples among the nations (Wolof, the different Pulaar groups, Serer, and Diola), we are working in urban areas (Thies and Dakar) using “The Holy Word” radio broadcast, English lessons, micro-entrepreneur forums, and other forms of economic development to build relationships with Muslims to find those whom God is calling to Himself, to plant contextualized churches, and to train and empower bi-vocational national Christian leaders.

Republic of Congo: We partner with the EECC Church Association, the Dongou Training Center, and the Institute Biblique Missionaire to train leaders for the Congolese church and to reach the Bayaka Pygmy nation.

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